Saturday 30 January 2010

Just some of the amazing times... also forgot to say we have a house for next year!

I NEED you

So much has happened since wrote here last not going to say everything but dropped Italian. Lectures are good. Met loads of amazing people and had the best times here ever. I really miss some of them with someone but lol. Went skiing Christmas time with 'Swansea Snowriders' to Val Thorens... amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2010 now this is going to be an even better year than the last which will be hard to beat.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

As long as you're with me baby you'll be alright

Went bac to Cardiff on the weekend but was too ill to see a certain someone ;) :( Back in Swansea now and started lectures on Monday Im now doing French, Welsh and Italian! Lectures going good so far and was in a lecture theatre today! - Amazing lol. School Disco on tonight but I'm too tired so I'm not going out - first time since I've been here!!! Must eat now. x

Wednesday 23 September 2009


Been at Swansea uni since Friday (came back for Bishop Bonding Bash on Monday at Retro Lounge.) I miss Cardiff and certain things about it although nothing I can do about it. Freshers is crazy although serious lack of sleep is happening!Just went to Freshers Fayre and of what I can remember of what I've joined are - Scandinavian society, French society, Snowriders society, Music society,SU Dance society,Welsh society...there's one more but I cant remember what it is! Going to have some food then a nap I thing before the Safer Sex Ball tonite....woop woop! lol. x

Thursday 17 September 2009


Been busy today tryin to buy some things for uni. I move in tomoro!!!! scary...Never really thaught the day would come but I'll be back for Bish Bash on Monday!!! Woop woop. Been out alot recently. More info on a certain topic of discussion and lol once again! hahaha. Out tonight. x

Monday 7 September 2009

Knowledge is power... x

Well I am in a much better mood than last time I wrote here but only becasue I found something out about someone wont emntion any names of course but those who know me will know everything!!! haha. Not much at the moment. Went to town over the weekend. Hannah's 19th bday so dressed up as things beginning with our first name and I went as a School girl - very last minute lol..x

Sunday 23 August 2009

Cos I knows it in the end:P

I should write here more often. Had A level resuls back this week A and 2 C's - not what I expected but Im delighted with it! Im going to Swansea Uni after alot of toing and froing between UWIC. I'm going to live in Swansea for 3 days a week and Cardiff 4 days a week (weekend woop woop:P.) I found some things out that just make me laugh and it's funny how after you realise just how things/people really are like and there are still those who are absoulutaly oblivious to it and believe something else hahahahahahahahaha. Good times. x

Me & Becca Zante'09