Monday 29 September 2008

Tears have impact!

Went home from school today - I was upset :S Miss Leafield ohoned the house to see if I was ok ... I had 2 hours German tutoring at home... I feel a bit better today but still so confused :S ah well live each day as it comes u no? :P Gig 2moro night:P haha x

Sunday 28 September 2008

Dry your eyes mate

Went to aerobics this morning :P Was fun... couldnt go last week cos of my piercing lol. I still feel upset which is really stupid of me:S Hopefully be feeling better soon:) x

Saturday 27 September 2008


Not much today really... Went to M&S with Mum and then home to do homework and going out tonight:) x

Friday 26 September 2008

Why such pain?

I feel like shit... starting when I found out something that upset me last night which also made me feel sick and quite possibly used to the core! Men...honestly hmmmmm anyway we'll see what happens I mean fate made it happen yday & another fate event today to:) The one today made me laugh quite a bit and had to phone Becky straight away to tell her what happened :p Dont u just hate the feeling of going to complete shock in the space of practically 2 minutes:( I love my friends to bits - helped me so much:D Cant wait for tomorrow night... Becky and Lloyd's Engagement party... Time to 'chilax' lol :P hehe.I just hope to feel better soon. x

Thursday 25 September 2008


Walked to school then straight back... seems pointless I know but also seemed pointless to stay in school when I'd only have to go home again in an hour for 2 hours of German tutoring. Straight after that then I had a driving lesson...dual carriage way!!! omg lol Had some French homework to do:S Can't wait for the weekend! :P
Summer '08 old school now:P

Wednesday 24 September 2008

I'm a Barbie Girl

School as usuall only 1st and 5th lessons.... Took part in Jo,Josh and Richard's Psychology test for their coursework... nice to be in a class with all my friends again so to say HAHA... Hard day tomorrow with lessons:S oh well... Had a Welsh lesson after school today to - was good:D... Feeling a bit confused and just need to talk about somthing and get things cleared up I think hmmm...:) x

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Nothing to say really

Well....Today school was ok.Home and had lotssssssssssss of French homework by tomorrow arghhhhh!:P lol x

Monday 22 September 2008

oh lovely

The little things that make me laugh make my day :P

First Day Of Autumn Sun

Only French 1st lesson today! so left school and went to see Alison & Chris's new baby bot Joseph Christopher Manship who is soooooo cute! :D haha then home need to wash my hair later:P after my Welsh lesson haha x

Sunday 21 September 2008


Quite an uneventfull day today really... just finishing homweork that was left from yesterday hmm...exciting ... not :P Anyway photos of Owens 18th up on Facebook now! :P Some are here :

Saturday 20 September 2008


Too busy to update yesterday:P Anyway... School was weird seeing as I was the only person in my 2 German lessons :S oh heck lol French was good though:D ... Home then had a driving lesson...impressed with my parking hehe lol but then again so was I haha... Went into town to meet Emily and we had our navels pierced! ouch ...didnt hurt as much as I's thaught though hehe lol thank heavens:P... Meet up with Annabelle then in Boots and had a Starbucks... then we all went to Central Station for Bus/Trains. Big rush when I got home to get ready for Owens 'Hog Roast' 18th birthday had 30 mins because Becky was picking me up:P... Lush time there great party and food with the music and the best bit was that no one got ID 'd woop woop!:P haha Mum came to get Becky and I at the end (another late night :P) and we dropped her off at her house before going home:D x

Thursday 18 September 2008


I have a cold and I'm a bit down :S and I know why!hmmmm x

Calm Down honey

Very bad update recently:P oops haha anyway Monday night was Bonding Bash at the point...was quite good lol... Tuesday was Jo's 18th so we had a surprise meal for her at Bella Italia:D Wednesday Jo, Josh, Amy and I all went to the circus in Sophia Gardens was wicked!:P haha We want to be in the circus lol... To many late nights with early mornings lol. x

Sunday 14 September 2008

Late Nights ;)

Omg crazyyyyyyyyyyyy weekend lmao! Anna's party was wicked! I accidentaly deleted all my photos though...some proper legendary ones on there :( Took more though:P hehe lol...Aerobics today.... Too many late nights and too many early mornings lol...Worth it though:P Bonding Bash 2moro!!! x

Confused much?:P

Saturday 13 September 2008

My Love

Aba's last night was fun...& the treck back to mine with Andy and Rhys:P hehe Everyone was so pissed haha lol... Today I went shoppng with Cathryn:D baught 2 scarves from H&M and make up :D Have to do some German homework then I'm going to get ready for Anna's Cops & Robbers themed 18th bday party!!! :P x

Friday 12 September 2008

Friday,My favourite!

School Today Mum picked me up after break to go to the Cardiff Uni open day then I returned to school for French... Aba has a free house after woop woop so we all going there lol. I love my friends so much! Got my Cop outfit for tomorrow night! :P x

Thursday 11 September 2008

Rydw i eisiau siarad i ti <3


When you say nothing at all...

Today was a different day... Paranoia got the best of me lol ....quite nice to spend time with friends in common room:D Had driving lesson in the afternoon...Parallel Parking woop woop!!!:P Busy weekend! Aba s 2moro - free house!:P Anna's 18th on Saturday Cops & Robbers party hehe:P then busy week ahead events wise to but wont go ino detail now
hehe:P x
Me 1 and a half years ago ... :P

Wednesday 10 September 2008


Such a long day feeling a bit upset though for certain reasons ...stupid really though oh well:P anyway going back to school for French was good...felt like 2 school days in 1 though :S haha oh well 1 lesson 2moro in school and a driving lesson oh gosh :S haha anyway Goodnight x

Like Lightning Baby!

Quick update:P BUSY DAY TODAY!!! German lesson in school 2 hour tutoring at home and after lunch I shall go bak to school for French! So tired tbh lol anway gtg food!:P x

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Routine days are back :P

School today not too bad I guess but straight back into work :S You'd think they'd take it easy the first few days back but . Meal out after with Mamgu , Tadcu, and Dave... Action packed day tomorrow lesson wise whether it's in school or at home! oh dear :P Should do some reviosion really ...Done my homework so that's ok:D Another 18th bday party Saturday night! woop woop - Annas... Cant wait! hehe x

Monday 8 September 2008

Back to Reality

First real day back in school although I was lucky enough not to have any lessons! as assembly and general organising of the new year had taken over my only timetabled lesson of today (French 1st!) yay! haha anyway so seeing as it was pretty pointless me being there I got picked up an went home. Had Welsh lesson :) Going for meal after with Mamgu, Tadcu and David...Italian I think :) yum:P Cant wait....What on earth have they done to the common room though???!!! Year 12 are so annoying!:P lol First proper lesson 2moro oh dear my bad timetable - first and last lesson :S haha oh well it will make me do more work inbetween :P haha So nice to see everyone to :) x

Sunday 7 September 2008

The end of those Summer Days

Today I didnt go to Aerobics because th Cardiff Marathon made the roads hell! Mamgu and Tadcu coming to look after Dave and I untill Wednesday:D... First day back in school 2moro! Cant wait in a way it will be nice to see everyone! Last year on high school woop woop! I hope I dont have too much homework lol :P ... Was a lush summer ups and downs but that's just due purelly to my paranoia! :P my bad hehe. Jen's 18th bday party photos are up on Facebook!!! :Dx

Saturday 6 September 2008

Weekend....1st of the 18th s!!!

Bad update lol! k well last night was Jen's 18th birthday party! a p party I went as a pirate! lol amazing!!!:D Dancing all night woop woop :P... Today I went to town with Mum baught new jeans ...the ones I wanted at last lol ! very happy :) now at home a bit bored tnh...doing some German homework ah well... plently more to come soon :S haha x

Thursday 4 September 2008

Bridal Catwalk :D

To fashion show or not to fashion show... that's the BIG question?!

It is now Official

Just came back from registering for year 13 in school . Was so weird to go back the commong room 's new furnishings and choice of wall colours isn't to anyone's liking:P haha and they got rid of our sofas!!! :( NOT GOOD. It was quite nice being able to back there for just an hour and not having lessons... I got back onto all the A level courses which I wished to study - French, German and Welsh... Thank God!!! x

Wednesday 3 September 2008

All I want

Is to be able to talk to you x

Summer '08 ends :(

Well today I meet Cathryn in town and we went shopping and had a meal :) Home then.... This is the last official day of the Summer holidays '08 very sad... but so much to come : ) Regestering in school for year 13 tomorrow ... Bring on summer '09!!! :D x

Tuesday 2 September 2008

What about it?

Well today was different... Went to school with Mum to try to sort out the exam results. Had a German lesson . Then I havent really done much since tbh lol... Photos of Saturday up on Facebook! woop woop hehe : D x

Monday 1 September 2008

Happy Times x x x<3

Are the best :D x

Rainy Day...Once again unfortunately

Shopping today with Soph was veryyy fun :D Really bad wheather though rain as usual :( Got Pirate costume for Jenny's 18th birthday party on Friday so excited!!! x