Saturday 20 September 2008


Too busy to update yesterday:P Anyway... School was weird seeing as I was the only person in my 2 German lessons :S oh heck lol French was good though:D ... Home then had a driving lesson...impressed with my parking hehe lol but then again so was I haha... Went into town to meet Emily and we had our navels pierced! ouch ...didnt hurt as much as I's thaught though hehe lol thank heavens:P... Meet up with Annabelle then in Boots and had a Starbucks... then we all went to Central Station for Bus/Trains. Big rush when I got home to get ready for Owens 'Hog Roast' 18th birthday had 30 mins because Becky was picking me up:P... Lush time there great party and food with the music and the best bit was that no one got ID 'd woop woop!:P haha Mum came to get Becky and I at the end (another late night :P) and we dropped her off at her house before going home:D x