Wednesday, 27 May 2009

17 Flynedd

Went to Mamgu and Tadcu's yesterday nd stayed over night. We went to visit Auntie Ray and Uncle Dewi and had a mini bday party :D I had my presents which are so amazingly lush! I had the Clogau Welsh gold Tree of Life ring from Auntie & Uncle, the £2 coins Auntie ahd been collecting , money , the 18th Key and a £50 note from Uncle. From Mamgu and Tadcu I had the Tree of Life bracelet which we couldnt open lol so we went to the jewellers today and it's fine now:) I also had Teddy especially for 18th 's and a 18th Key, Key ring and Wine Glass:) Today I rove Dave and I back to Cardiff . Mum Dave and I then went to Canton and then to The Funky Buddha where I'm having my Birthday party!!! wooooooooooo I cant wait:D Anyway I better go it's getting late. x