Sunday 31 May 2009


Today instead of Aerobics Mum and I went to Barry Island and sunbathed for a bit:D Dan,Jade. Steph, Chris and Rhys were there just as we left. I'm loving the sun at the moment it's so nice to finally see some:D Started back with revision which I cant wait to be over :D Hope you had a good day. x

Some more photos from my 18th birthday.

Saturday 30 May 2009

18 Years!

My 18th Birthday yesteday was amazing! Very busy though. Had my presents and cards from Mum and Dave in the morning. I had a Welsh Clogau Gold Locket :D Other 18 stuff to! Went to town then to get some stuff before going to decorate the Funky Buddha with photos and party stuff. Lol the ballons popped so we couldnt have all of them. Steph and Becca came over first to get ready and then Me Mum Dave Becca and Steph went by Taxi to The Funky Buddha. Was a really nice party I think ... Well I like it:P Had some amazing presents! After that was town. Now I have ID :D:D:D Came home by 4 was getting light:P Today after Becca went I looked at all my presents:D They're amazing! The guy who sorted the balloons braught them to the house lol. Putting some photos up on fb. Here are some I'm sure there'll be more though:) x

Friday 29 May 2009


It's my 18th Birthday today! I'll write more tomoro probably. The sun is out - wicked:Have a great day. x

Thursday 28 May 2009


Today I am very tired and I'm not sure why because I haven't done all that much. I really need to do reviion but I'm too tired to. It's my 18th birthday tomorrow and I am so excited. It's Becky's 18th today -Happy Birthday Beck! Write more in the next few days.x

Wednesday 27 May 2009

17 Flynedd

Went to Mamgu and Tadcu's yesterday nd stayed over night. We went to visit Auntie Ray and Uncle Dewi and had a mini bday party :D I had my presents which are so amazingly lush! I had the Clogau Welsh gold Tree of Life ring from Auntie & Uncle, the £2 coins Auntie ahd been collecting , money , the 18th Key and a £50 note from Uncle. From Mamgu and Tadcu I had the Tree of Life bracelet which we couldnt open lol so we went to the jewellers today and it's fine now:) I also had Teddy especially for 18th 's and a 18th Key, Key ring and Wine Glass:) Today I rove Dave and I back to Cardiff . Mum Dave and I then went to Canton and then to The Funky Buddha where I'm having my Birthday party!!! wooooooooooo I cant wait:D Anyway I better go it's getting late. x

Monday 25 May 2009


Haven't written here for a few days now. Anyway this weekend was bank holiday. Went out on Saturday night with Becca and went to Platinum and sneaked into mbargo after swapping clothes:D Went home quite early though about 2:30 ish - not like us. Sunday went out to town with Cath nd we met up with Ed (now Caths bf:D), Amy and John. I drank more than ever before and wasn't the prettiest of sights:S Typical though that I'd have the most problems with ID the week before I turn 18 and when I was just turned 16 there was hardly a problem...what's that all about? Today not really done too much although it's been a good one:D Although I have missed out on time for studying which I will regret and I cant wait for the exams to be over:) x

Wednesday 20 May 2009


Busy day today...trying to find a dress for my birthday:P Went to town early this morning and came back about 2 ish a bit longer than I planned becasue I havent revised today hmmm. Still need to get some shoes to go with the dress though! Can't wait for the weekend:D x

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Let the good times roll

Had my French exam yesterday which I hope went ok. Today I had German tutoring and then I did some revision (not enough though of course) I seem to forgt everyting I revise or dont take anything in when I finally do decide to do some of the old revision. Anyway tomoroww morning I'll probably go into town to look for a dress for my birthday:) I haven't been shopping in agessssssssssss. Yesterday I got the last of my spending money that I've been saving for Zakynthos!!! x

Sunday 17 May 2009

Ooh la la

Went to Aerobis today. Not done much else at all which is awful as I have a French exam tomoro. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo tired though. x

Saturday 16 May 2009

Last day of school ever!

Yesterday was the last day of school ever!!! Was a good day actually but then the fire alasrm went of in my German exam 1 min before the end:S After everything in school and the yearbooks we went to the Pub then I took Becky home . Me nd Jo went to town and met up with Rhys, Aba, Owen, Bethan, Brendon and more people then Josh joined us. Went to The Gatekeeper, Toucan and Retro and drank tooooooooooo much:P Today went to the bank but it was closed (a wasted journey.) I have left school for ever - good times (but not not seeing friends as much though) thats what the summer's fot though :D:D:D:D:D x

Some photos from the last week

Thursday 14 May 2009


School today. Last real day in school ever!!! I'm really tired and cant wait for the weekend. I have a German listening exam tomorrow. I'll mention the plans some other time. x

Wednesday 13 May 2009


Haven't wriiten here for some days but anyway this week is the last week f school EVER! It's dragging on quite a bit but then I guess the rain today makes it seem like that. On Monday I had German tutoring and then appart from that the rest of Monday Tuesday and today have been all schoool. We had the Leavers Eucharist today which was quite entertaining. Hopefully the wheather will get better for Friday for everything that's happening then. x

Sunday 10 May 2009

Le Weekend

School Friday and left early:) Saturday went to look for a prom dress. I found one that I like but I want to see if more people buy long or short prom dresses first and of course it all depends whether or not we go to town after. Went for a meal wih Amy, Cath, Becky and Soph in Nandos Cardiff Bay then we ran Soph over in Mc Donalds:P

Today was Aerobics then went for lunch in Cardiff Bay with Mum and Dave. Was good but now I must go do some work:S

Last week of school ever this week... how exciting! :D x
Never fails to make me laugh:D:D:D

Thursday 7 May 2009

Untill then...

Today was school. Went to Canton.Mum and I went to get photos enlarged for my Party! Not much to say really but I just need the summer right now with long hot summer days and freedom from all the stress of school work and everything else.
My plans for the summer are getting more and more! Although some are deffinite and others just thaughts:

1. July - Zakynthos
2.July - Jamaica
3. August - Spend so much time with family and friends
4. August - Get a job
5. All - Party!!!


Tuesday 5 May 2009


Went to have second HPV jab today . Had German tutoring then went to school. Not much today went shopping with Mum in Marks & Spencers haha:P x

Another photo from the Weekend - Oh dear:S haha

Monday 4 May 2009


Yesterday Mum, Dave and I went to stay with Mamgu and Tadcu. Back in Cardiff now though. No school today becasue it's Bank Holiday Monday of course... next one will be the week of my 18th Birthday!!!!! wooooooooo haha. Need to do my Welsh and my German homework though after:S Have a good day. x

Saturday 2 May 2009

May the 1st

Yesterday was school but I finished early:) Soph and Becca then came to mine then Mum gave us a lift into town and met Charlotte. Was an amazingly crazy night! With 4 cocktails and cool giraffes and umbrellas:P haha. Had to be there to understand! Oed yna dechrau o dawnsio rownd y fedwen;) Today went to visit Neda, John and Ryeen for Neda's Birthday today. Went to David Lloyd's to do some work then went to shop on the way back. Home now and I'm actually really shattered. Just put some photos of last night up on face.Anna and Becca just payed the rest of money for Zante so were all deffinitaly going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x