Monday 4 May 2009


Yesterday Mum, Dave and I went to stay with Mamgu and Tadcu. Back in Cardiff now though. No school today becasue it's Bank Holiday Monday of course... next one will be the week of my 18th Birthday!!!!! wooooooooo haha. Need to do my Welsh and my German homework though after:S Have a good day. x


Anonymous said...

Horray for bank holidays. Did you see my new layout that I made on my blog? :P

Anonymous said...

Oh btw I made a header for your blog :) Don't have to use it if you don't want to. I was just bored and I made one for myself and you asked me a while back how I did my blog layouts so here you go :P

Just copy and paste that into your browser and it'll take you to the image =D Hope you likes it