Saturday 30 May 2009

18 Years!

My 18th Birthday yesteday was amazing! Very busy though. Had my presents and cards from Mum and Dave in the morning. I had a Welsh Clogau Gold Locket :D Other 18 stuff to! Went to town then to get some stuff before going to decorate the Funky Buddha with photos and party stuff. Lol the ballons popped so we couldnt have all of them. Steph and Becca came over first to get ready and then Me Mum Dave Becca and Steph went by Taxi to The Funky Buddha. Was a really nice party I think ... Well I like it:P Had some amazing presents! After that was town. Now I have ID :D:D:D Came home by 4 was getting light:P Today after Becca went I looked at all my presents:D They're amazing! The guy who sorted the balloons braught them to the house lol. Putting some photos up on fb. Here are some I'm sure there'll be more though:) x