Sunday 1 February 2009

Just Dance!

School on Friday as usuall. What happened this weekened? Well Friday night Jo picked me, Soph and Aisling up went to hers for some drinks before going to town. Met Becca there and spent most of the night in the Retro Lounge. Was so much fun but also alot of weirdos in town lol. Lady Gaga was in town CIA I think but we settled for the dj's version instead of the live:P Got taxi back with Mum and Joy (they we're also raving it up in town :PBack home by 3 :P Early night. Yesterday was driving and studying before Nandos in the Bay (kindly taken by Jo:)) with Jo, Amy , me, Anna, Becky, Jennie and Emily. Was also alot of fun before going tback to Amy's after A McFlurry from drive through:) Amy's house then was alot of hilarity with me, Jo, Amy, Anna and Becky. All have to be done again soon! Ordered Gossip Girl Series 1 today - can't wait to get it!!! Going to watch 90210(I think that's what it's called:P Hope you had as good of a weekend as I did x