Sunday 29 March 2009

Things happen for a reason right?

I got up an hour too early this morning. The clocks went forward so I changed it on my phone but I dindt know it had already done it! Anyway I went to Aerobics then after coming home I went to chapter,Peacocks and Somerfield with Mum. Last night I found out something/saw and it wasnt offensive at all but just seeing it made me realise how different I thaught this person is and how much maybe he is arrogant or maybe it was just me and it was my fault... I dont know but I really need to talk to someone about it because it's the only thing I can think about and I really don't know what to do and it's becoming a problem becasue it can't carry on like this. I thaught I'd sorted it out but obviously not and I'm still hurt/ wondering about it.. what if? But then I guess if some of the things that happened didnt would I be in a worse situation now? I don't know. Anyway I must go do some work... It' s a problem at the moment as it should be my biggest priority but I always find myself thinking about this other situation.
On a good note... It's my 18th birthday in 2 months woooooooooooooo!!! :D
Have a good Sunday x


Anonymous said...

You do realise you can talk to me anytime okies? My mobile is always on and yeah basicly I love you and I'm always here if you need me.