Sunday 15 March 2009

Why do I have to find some things out?

Friday after school I went to the hairdressers...I feel so much happier now lol. Cath came round to mine then we went into town and met Becca, Ffion and Soph a bit later. We stayed mostly in Retro's which was amazinggggggggggggggggg so much fun! haha Scottish guys:P Gor home at about 3ish.
Saturday after Anna came to my house Anna, Cath and I went to pay for Zakynthos:D I am sooo excited for the summer and especially the holiday part! Then after Mum and I went to pay for the venue for my 18th and then home and attempted some work. I found some things out that would have been best left out of my knowledge which made me feel like crap last night and really upset I wont go into detail here though.
Today was Aerobics then home. Later I should do some work. x

Some photos from Friday