Monday 1 December 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I have been sooooooooooooooo busy lol! Friday was just a normal day in school then Jo, Jennie, Amy and I went to town shopping after school in town :D Trecked back from Barry with Jo in the dark and we got lost but Jo found out way back in the end lol:P Saturday was Soph's 18th bday meal in town:) Then home. Sunday I went to Aerobics in teh morning then home before going to school for pantomime rehersal... Got my ''band'' t shirt lol:P Went to watch David play in a badminton tournament afterwards and I did some studying :P Today I had school adn went home for German tutoring before going back to school for another lesson and more pantomime practice!!! I am now so shattered lol:P x